“The Yellow Spot” is an oval shaped highly pigmented area near the centre of the retina of the human eye, responsible for high resolution vision.

Some of our Success Stories

A New Sales Strategy

The major focus of the company had been marketing of Patented Pharma products in the past. They now wanted to expand their footprint in India by also focusing on Generic products. In order for them to successfully do this, they needed to enhance their existing sales strategy.

The Higher Responsibility

The Client had grown in leaps and bounds over the past decade and had expanded to a consumer channel of over 18000 dealers spread across 450 Indian cities and towns. They had forayed into a number of products and had to expand their service team accordingly to cater to their constantly growing customer base.

For more information about us visit https://www.theyellowspot.info/



2-D-10, Blue Arch, Convent Avenue, St Louis Lane, 4 Bungalows
Andheri West, Mumbai